Thursday 4 February 2016

6 Resources

Here is a list of resources for modelling the M&StL. I will periodically update this. Particularly with articles and blogs.


- Gene Green, Minneapolis & St Louis in color, Morning Sun Books
Don L Hofsommer, The Hook & Eye, A history of the Iowa Central
- Don L Hofsommer, The Tootin' Louie
Don L Hofsommer,  The Minneapolis & Saint Louis, a photographic history
Don L Hofsommer,  Minneapolis and the age of railways
- Dennis Holmes, Depots on the Minneapolis & St. Louis Railway, CNWHS


- M&StL Yahoo group 
The group has quite a bit of information available. In the past a number of CD-ROMs were produced with much information from the collections of members as well as hard to get information from resources such as defunct magazines etc.

CNW Historical Society 
This organisation puts out a quarterly magazine and also produces a free online magazine for modelling the CNW and predecessors. It has a good amount of M&StL coverage. The society is also the custodian of a lot of archival material, specifically socalled AFE's or Authority For Expenditure. It encompasses the period 1-1-1912 to 31-12-1956. For much of this period the M&StL was in recievership and needed approval from the bankruptcy judge for every capital expenditure. Basically the whole decisionmaking proces is preserved. Contains lots of drawings, including that of stations and yards.

Photo sites:

Railroad pictures archives
John Barriger John W Barriger III from 1944-1941 worked in federal service as the railroad chief of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. The RFC was a government organisation tasked with financial support to state and local goverments and made loans to bank, railroads, mortgage associations and other businesses. In this capacity he made 2 trips over the M&StL and either he or an assistant took photos during the trip. His archive is in the St Louis Mercantile Library.
John P. Vander Maas railroadiana collection contains photos of M&StL depots. 
Sam Cook has a number of photos online

Other resources:

- county plat maps showing who owns what land. Often the old ones have a mention of land owned by coal companies. 1930 plat book Monroe county Iowa

Troy township Monroe county. Note railways not always accurately labelled.

Interstate Commerce Commission archives at the National Archives and Records Administration in Washington DC. The ICC held a survey of the railroads in the years after the temporary takeover during and immediately after Worls War 1 in preparation of a permanent takeover of the railroads by the US government. Many maps, drawings and sketches were prepared and they contain a wealth of data.

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